Our Mission:
Love People, Make Disciples
Our values are to love people as Jesus did, and also to develop them into individuals who live out their highest calling in God.
Our values are to love people as Jesus did, and also to develop them into individuals who live out their highest calling in God.
Each Sunday we reach over 70% maximum capacity for seating. We are now hoping and praying for another building which our church can grow. You can help us by donating to our church building fund below and make sure to select "Building Fund" in the drop down menu. Thank you for your donation and God bless.
We have a goal of 2million dollars to reach for our new building fund.
Our goal is to serve the local community and aiding in others to live a life purposeful to Jesus.
We believe Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and the way to better living.
We need you! Come join our church and ask how you can get involved.
If you have musical talent, come use to for worship and to exalt God.
In Acts 1:8, Jesus told the apostles, “…and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the Earth.”
Have a knack with kids? Join us in teaching and molding our kids in the ways of Jesus.
Join our lighthouse service Friday nights, we need you!